About us

Monitor Inženjering d.o.o. is a fellow company of Megamont d.o.o., one of the leading companies in Croatia specialised in automation and production of sectional and garage doors, as well as a wide range of other products and services closely related to automation, such as parking systems, access control systems, remote controlling of different devices, smart home systems etc.  

Besides a long tradition in automation our company is included in the program “Encouraging energy effieciency in Croatia” which is being carried out in collaboration with the Global Environement and Energy Efficiency fund. The aim of this project is raising awareness about energy efficiency, encouraging economical and energy efficient tecnologies, materials and services in Croatia.     

Potaknuti ovim projektom i sve većom potražnjom u Republici Hrvatskoj za provođenjem energetskog menadžmenta u sve više javnih objekata 2012. godine osnovana je sestrinska firma Monitor Inženjering d.o.o.  specijalizirana upravo za ovakve projekte. Zadnjih 9 godina ova firma samostalno razvijala i proizvodila sustave za kontrolu i upravljanje industrijskim procesima.  

This project, and the increasing need for energy management emerging in more and more instutions encouraged us to expand our activities and to establish a company (a branch to our core business) specialised in these kind of projects. For the past 9 years we have been developping new technologies and services which led us innovation of remote energy monitoring system. By now we have had numerous projects throughout Croatia and Slovenia; we managed to establish our energy management system and achieve great energy and financial savings. The quality of our products and services together with our experiences team led us to great achievements in this field and numerous  references. 

As a confirmation of quality we have ISO 9001 certification. This certificate defines the quality management system, employer responsibility, resource management, product realization, measurement and analysis. Quality policy is an integral part of our business policy in accordance with the mission and vision of our company, together with high level of service and meeting the needs of all customers. 


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