Energy monitoring

"Energy Monitor" is a tool, specialised for remote energy monitoring, designed in order to reduce energy consumption. Its main purpose is to provide the owner, management and technical service with basic information about costs and energy consumption, which ultimately allows a more productive planning of expenses.

Our monitoring system can operate as a new system or as an upgrade to the existing energy management system. It basically consists of 2 parts. The measuring devices (instruments) collect the data (energy consumption) and send them to our web portal, where each user on their profile can easily access these info. All the collected data is displayed on our web portal in form of a simple graphical dispaly. 


    Collecting all the data on energy                        consumption in real time 

Graphical display of energy consumption             in real time on our web portal

     Display of financial gains (by days/months/years)


Other than data on consumption of energy, the system also displays the financial component; it shows every change in its operating, including the corresponding financial gain/loss. In this way, it gives us the immediate answer to whether we are heading towards saving money (energy) or not, always keeping in mind the efficiency and convenience of the facility.  The system is always taking into account the maximum comfort and operability of the facility itself. The portal works by logging in to your private energy monitor, where all your data is expressed in numbers and graphical diagrams. We store data for you, process it and promptly report alarms in case of any usual readings, which will save you from unwanted costs. If necessary, we synchronize all data with the ISGE system (Energy Management Information System) or some similar system you use.


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